Understanding Piles, Fissures, And Their Treatment

What are Piles? Piles, commonly known as haemorrhoids, are enlarged blood vessels that appear around the rectum or anus. They can occur both inside and outside the body and vary in severity. Piles can cause itching, pain, irritation, and inflammation due to their presence. The exact cause of piles remains unknown but factors such as ageing, constipation, pregnancy, straining while passing stool, sitting for long periods of time, and lifting heavy objects have all been found to be possible contributing factors. Treatment typically involves lifestyle modifications such as increasing fibre in your diet and drinking plenty of fluids to help with constipation. In some cases, medication or surgery may be needed to shrink the veins associated with piles. What are Fissures? Fissures in piles, or anal fissures, are small cuts or tears in the wall of the anus. They are common and can be quite uncomfortable. While many of them heal by themselves without treatment, those that are chronic may...